
Welcome to the D3 Developer Portal! The purpose of this repository is to help you on your journey to use and integrate with D3’s next-generation identity solutions.

Getting Started

In order to use the D3 Platform and integrate with the D3 name system infrastructure, you will need to familiarize yourself with some key concepts:

Who is D3?

D3 is a next-generation identity company focused on bridging the gap between traditional Internet infrastructure and Web3. We are partnering with leading Web3 ecosystems to apply for and obtain their own dedicated Top-Level Domains (TLDs), while developing a futureproof, interoperable digital identity solution.

Current Web3 naming solutions claim to be ‘domains’ but are not. Real domains are integrated with and supported by the Domain Name System (DNS) which offers out-of-the-box compatibility with billions of Internet-compatible devices and used by over 5.3 billion Internet users worldwide.

Our team and advisors have decades of combined experience within the domain industry, having launched or managed over 50 different TLDs. This expertise places us in a unique position to drive innovation in DNS, Web3 and beyond.

Why Do Futureproof, Digital Identities Matter?

Compatible With Existing Web Identity Infrastructure

The Domain Name System (DNS) has served as the Internet’s ‘identity layer’ for over 40 years. The average user seldomly interacts with an IP address or other identifiers outside of the user-friendly domains used by most Internet users today. Billions of devices offer out-of-the-box integration with the DNS which has become the industry standard for digital identity.

Usable Identities for Web3

Since its inception, blockchain infrastructure has primarily relied on complex wallet addresses that have served as a major barrier to entry for the average user. Several identity solutions have incorporated the simplicity and structure of domains in order to replace the wallet address, but they still lack compatibility with the DNS and are prone to collisions, obsolescence, security vulnerabilities and more.

Community Comes First

Web3 is all about community. In order for WAGMI to ring true, users need a simplified approach to digital identity that serves as their all-in-one identity beyond just Web3. Top-Level Domains (TLDs) enable Web3 ecosystems to provide their users with a simple identity solution while putting their brand front and center. Users are able to flex their identity and their community in one simple offering.

Why Integrate The Domain Name System (DNS)?

  • The DNS has been a core function of the Internet for over 40 years, making it easier to identify and access websites and infrastructure.

  • The DNS has made the internet more accessible, leading it to grow to over 5.3 billion users worldwide.

  • The DNS offers out-of-the-box compatibility with billions of Internet-enabled devices including computers, tablets, smartphones, IoT devices, web infrastructure and more.

  • The DNS offers a global, standardized system with support from users, corporations and governments worldwide.

  • The DNS has an extensive network of stakeholders including registries, registrars and infrastructure providers.

  • DNSSEC offers an extra layer of security, adding a layer of authentication that ensures the integrity and authenticity of the DNS and embedded infrastructure.

Understanding Key Concepts

What are Domains?

A domain is a unique name on the internet that serves as a human-readable address for websites, allowing users to easily access them. It is part of a URL and is mapped to an IP address which identifies a specific server where the website is hosted.

What is a Top-Level Domain (TLD)?

A top-level domain (TLD) is the last segment of a domain name, located after the last dot, used to specify a website's category or country code. Examples include .com, .org, and .uk, representing different types of organizations or geographic locations.

What is the Domain Name System (DNS)?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a system that translates human-readable domain names, like www.example.com, into numerical IP addresses that computers use to communicate with each other. This system is essential for internet users to access websites without having to remember complex numerical addresses.

What is a Registry?

A Registry is an organization that manages top-level domain names on the Internet, overseeing the registration of these domains to maintain a central database of all domain names and their associated information.

What is a Registrar?

A Registrar is a company authorized by domain registries to sell domain names to the public, providing services for domain registration, renewal, and management to individuals and organizations.

What is Web3?

Web3 is the latest evolution of the internet, focusing on decentralization and user sovereignty, leveraging blockchain technology for more secure and transparent interactions. In contrast, Web1 was the initial stage of the web, predominantly read-only and informational, while Web2 introduced interactive and social elements, allowing users to create content and engage with others online.

What is a Name Token?

A Name Token, often referred to as a Web3 name, is a blockchain-based name that acts as a user’s digital identity. D3’s Name Tokens can be used as a simple, multichain wallet address; cross-platform Web3 username; infrastructure identifier and more. They make it easier to navigate Web3 ecosystems with plans to offer DNS integration.

Last updated